
Dojo School or training hall for studying the way
Ai-yotsu Same grip used by both persons, either right or left
Ashi Foot, leg
Ashi Waza Foot techniques
Atemi Waza Striking techniques
Ayumi Ashi Ordinary pattern of walking
Batsugun Instant promotion
Bushido Way of the warrior
Dan Black belt rank
Eri Collar, lapel
Fusen Gachi Win by default
Goshin Jutsu Art of self defense
Hajime Begin
Hansoku-make Most serious penalty, disqualification
Hantei Referee call for judge’s decision
Happo No Kuzushi Kuzushi in 8 directions
Hara Stomach
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Hikite Pulling hand — usually the hand gripping a sleeve
Hiza Knee
Ippon Victory in one move, one point
Jigotai Defensive posture
Jita Kyoei Principle of mutual prosperity
Joseki Place of honor, upper seat
Judo Gentle or flexible way
Judogi Judo practice uniform
Judoka One who studies Judo
Ju no Ri Principle of flexibility or yielding
Counter techniques
Kake Completion or execution of technique
Kansetsu Waza Joint locking techniques
Kappo Resuscitation techniques
Kata Forms
Kata Shoulder
Katsu Resuscitation
Kenka Yotsu Opposite grips used by each person, one right/one left
Kiai To gather spirit with a shout
Kodokan Judo institute in Tokyo where Judo was founded
Koshi Hip
Koshi Waza Hip techniques
Kubi Neck
Kumikata Gripping methods
Kuzure Modified hold
Kuzushi Unbalancing the opponent
Kyoshi Instructor
Kyu Student rank
Maai Space or engagement distance
Mae Forward, front
Mae Sabaki Frontal escape
Mae Ukemi Falling forward
Masutemi Waza Back sacrifice throws
Mate Stop (wait)
Migi Right
Mune Chest
Nage Throw
Nage no Kata Forms of throwing
Nagekomi Repetitive throwing practice
Nage Waza Throwing techniques
Ne Waza Techniques on the ground
Obi Judo belt
Osaekomi Pin, referee call to begin timing
Osaekomi Waza Pinning techniques
Osaekomi Toketa Escape, stop timing of hold
Randori Free practice
Randori no Kata Forms of free practice techniques
Randori Waza Techniques for free practice
Rei Bow
Combination techniques
Seiza Formal kneeling posture
Sen Attack initiative
Sensei Teacher, instructor
Shiai Contest
Shido Penalty, equal to koka score
Shime Waza Choking techniques
Shizentai Natural posture
Shomen Dojo front
Sode Sleeve
Sono Mama Stop action; command to freeze
Sore Made Finished, time is up
Sutemi Waza Sacrifice techniques
Tachi Waza Standing techniques
Tai Sabaki Body control, turning
Tatami Mat
Te Hand, arm
Te Waza Hand techniques
Tokui Waza Favorite or best technique
Tori Person performing a technique
Tsugi Ashi Walking by bringing one foot up to another
Tsukuri Entry into a technique, positioning
Tsurite Lifting hand
Uchikomi Repeated practice without completion
Ude Arm
Uke Person receiving the technique
Ukemi Breakfall techniques
Ushiro Backward, rear
Waki Armpit
Waza Technique
Waza Ari Near ippon or half point
Waza ari Awasete Ippon Two waza-ari together for ippon
Yoko Side
Yoko Sutemi Waza Side sacrifice throws
Yoko Ukemi Falling sideways
Yoshi Resume action, continue
Yuko Score less than a waza-ari
Yusei Gachi Win by judge’s decision
Zanshin Awareness


1 Ichi
2 Ni
3 San
4 Shi
5 Go
6 Roku
7 Shichi
8 Hachi
9 Ku
10 Ju
11 Juichi (10 plus one)
12 Juni (10 plus 2)
19 Juku (10 plus 9)
20 Niju (2 10’s)
29 Nijuku (2 10’s plus a 9)

Sanju (3 10’s)
35 Sanjugo (3 10’s plus a 5)